Minutes of ARC AGM 2016
AGM held on Saturday, January 16th

ARC AGM 2016.
Minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 16th January


Apologies ; Paul and Kara Chesworth, Beth Edwards, Lindsay
Parry, Dave Chapman, John Eddington, Kate Strange, Ian Brown.
Present; Nigel, Ian, Dave Rice, Dylan, Ruth, Des, Alun,
Rhian, Doris, Kirsty and Mike.  (Sally)
The AGM minutes from 2015 were read and


·Financial Report; A full report of finance
activity for the year was provided by Lindsay as follows;
·Current account totals £10869.82 being the total of 4 different
·Essential operating costs for 2015 total £3857.20
·Income from membership 2015 totals £4559.
A full breakdown of income / expenditure was
provided on spreadsheets by Lindsay.
Lindsay wishes the club to thank Paul and
Kara for their organisation of the Hog roast in the summer which contributed
significantly to the clubs’ well being and suggests that future fund raising
events should be encouraged.

This report was accepted by the meeting.

Yole training; Alun reported that this is
going well and numbers are good. As club coach he told us that the world
championships are to be held in Monte Carlo soon .This event will be officially


Chair report;   Nigel expressed thanks to those present for
coming to the meeting. He feels that the club has been re-energised in 2015 and
several one-off events have been entered. The Junior team under the direction
of Ian are doing well and are to be encouraged in their efforts.
Two new trollies have been purchased; a new noticeboard  and key holder have been installed.
Ian is to be thanked for his work in the boat shed to enable more storage of boats and
a repair to the stern of one of the long boats has been carried out.
Nigel feels that the rota has worked well and club members have been more pro- active
with several new members which should help to push the club forward.
Des mentioned the event held in Cardiff in September and the Great River race –
both of which were represented by ARC. A team also went to Ireland the
following w/e.
Dave commented about the need to push for some new members now to sustain the club
and both James and Kirsty offered recruitment help.
James has been pro-active in obtaining sponsorship for the club and has successfully

raised nearly £1000 ( cheques to be passed to Lindsay)

In conclusion Nigel feels that progress has been made but still more is needed.
A discussion about fees followed when it was decided to keep them at £70 for full

membership as the bank balance is healthy at present.

The subject of a Child Protection officer was raised and it was felt that the club
should have one in case of an incident. Des will take that forward as he
organises the checks for the yacht club and it is possible that they can be
transferred from other organisations. Ian will also chase this up as he works

with the Juniors.

Publicity;  Doris will continue to handle publicity on the web site
but has asked that reports from each event can be sent to her immediately
afterwards. It was agreed that rowers involved in the events should submit
these reports and rotate so that everyone takes a turn in providing them. James

has volunteered to oversee this.

Trophies;  All to be returned to League AGM next Saturday

23rd January.
Captains reports;  None sumitted.
Posts;  As follows;

·Chairman ; Nigel
·Treasurer ; Lindsay
·Secretary ; Sally
·Club captain and Mens’ captain ; Dave Chapman plus League events.
·Mens’ Deputy captain ; James.
·Ladies’ captain ; Kara
(nominated in absence)
·Coach ; Ian and Alun.
·Bosun ; Mike.
·Safety officer ; John Ward.
·Publicity ; see above.
·Trophies ; Rhian.
·Social secretary ; Paul.
(nominated in absence)
·WSRA liason ; John Eddington.

·Yole development ; Kirsty.

AOB;  Mike expressed concern regarding training
with new members and after much discussion it was decided that 2 nights be put
aside for training ( Wednesdays and Fridays) when no new members would be taken
out. It would be up to the Captains to make a final decision regarding these
training days and to organise hard training for crews and events where

necessary and allow more focus for the membership.

Ruth suggests that some financial help be offered to Celtic Challenge teams due to
the expense involved; proceeds from events such as the Hog roast could be used.

Ian queried whether a support boat could be hired for the CC.

Rota;  Dave Rice agreed to organise the Saturday
morning rota again this year; 2 people will be allocated per week and it will
up to the individual to swap duties if not available. This will enable new
members to be taken out more readily.This motion was passed unanimously by the
meeting and the new rota will be effective from February. Each member will have

4 Saturdays to cover.

Nigel stated that he had been asked on several occasions whether 3 monthly membership
could be made available for the summer months. After much discussion it was
felt that no newcomers would be taken out during the week (see above).Dylan
suggested that newcomers will pay £3 twice then £12 50 plus £3 on their 3rd
week ( to cover insurance) then £3 weekly for each row with coupon codes. This must be noted in

the diary. The AGM passed this suggestion.

Discussion regarding Safety boats. Should be made more use of and more training given.
More training for Coxes too and a query was made regarding current First


Meeting closed at 6-45pm. The next committee meeting to be held in early March – date
to be announced.

Posted: 16:56:46 - 26/01/2016

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